Health insurance
National Health Fund insurance
Based on the Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds persons meeting certain requirements specified in the above mentioned Act are entitled for compulsory or voluntary health insurance in Poland.
If you are residing on the territory of Poland and are not entitled to use common healthcare services you can acquire the right to use healthcare services financed from public funds based on voluntary health insurance.
In order to conclude an agreement for voluntary health insurance please contact regional branch of National Health Fund (NFZ) to file an appropriate application and get familiar with detail terms for this procedure like required documents/statements, charges, premiums, etc.
Contact information of National Health Fund branch for Silesia region can be found at the NFZ website
Emergency numbers
ER | 999 |
Fire brigade | 998 |
Police | 997 |
Emergency from mobile phone | 112 |
Public transport
On-line routeplanner for the Polish railways. We are at the station Zabrze.
Bus and Tram
On-line routeplanner for the Silesian public transport (ZTM)
Dean's Office: | Zabrze Plac Teatralny |
Campus in Zabrze-Rokitnica: | Rokitnica Śląski Uniwersytet Med. |
ACS in Bytom: |
Bytom Plac Akademicki |
Holidays in Poland
Date | English name | Polish name |
January 1 | New Year's Day | Nowy Rok |
January 6 | Epiphany | Święto Trzech Króli |
Sunday in Spring (movable) | Easter Sunday | Niedziela Wielkanocna |
Monday following Easter Sunday | Easter Monday | Poniedziałek Wielkanocny |
May 1 | Labour Day | Święto Pracy |
May 3 | Constitution Day | Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja |
7th Sunday after Easter | Pentecost Sunday | Zielone Świątki |
9th Thursday after Easter | Corpus Christi | Boże Ciało |
August 15 |
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary/ Polish Armed Forces Day |
Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny/ Święto Wojska Polskiego |
November 1 | All Saints' Day | Wszystkich Świętych |
November 11 | Independence Day | Święto Niepodległości |
December 25 | Christmas Day | Pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia |
December 26 | Boxing Day | Drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia |